Guide to Golf in Hawaii
All you need to know about King Kamehameha Golf Club, including hotels, restaurants and attractions in the Wailuku area.
Maui golf courses
Oahu golf courses Kauai golf courses
Hawaii Big Island golf courses Lanai golf courses
Hawaii's Top Golf Resorts (TA: TripAdvisor, TRP: TheRealPlaces)
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Princeville - TA - TRP  
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King Kamehameha Golf Club
2500 Honoapiilani Hwy
Wailuku 96793
Map and Driving Directions has local hotel information and reviews provided by past visitors has great deals on hotels near King Kamehameha Golf Club
18 Holes
Par 72
Opened: 1992
Architect: Robin Nelson and Rodney Wright
Oahu Golf Courses - Maui Golf Courses - Kauai Golf Courses - Hawaii Golf Courses - Lanai Golf Courses

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